Coda to Heroes--Suicide and Symbolism
[Disclaimer-- this is an old essay I wrote. I have no particular attachment to the views presented in it and don't stand by the quality. However, since I've been trying fruitlessly to write and raise awareness about ME/CFS and other things that are more relevant to my life, I figured a good strategy might be to repost some of the critical theory /pop relatedculure essays that people liked a lot when I last posted thek, and then see if they'd read the rest of what I write] The thing that ultimately saves the flesh from being ridiculous is the element of death that resides in the healthy, vigorous body; it is this, I realized, that sustains the dignity of the flesh . Yukio Mishima, Sun and Steel Suicide is not only a pragmatic act but a narrative one. Even its most pragmatic manifestations, such as euthanasia, are rife with symbolic meaning. The manner of suicide, the timing of suicide, and the reason for suicide are all considerations....