Taos, New Mexico

back of the Church

San Francisco De Asisi Church, a famous church in Ranchos de Taos

another shot at the church

somewhere btwn ranchos de taos and dixon, nm
At one point in my life, I was a pretty good photographer, and wanted to be a professional photographer.   So, its a sort of odd situation to find myself in one of the most visually spectacular areas in the country or even world, with no good camera, and for totally different reasons than making art.  I think of the southwest as the photographic equivalent of a "target rich environment".

Anyway, I've decided to post photos I took on my shitty phone, when I feel up to it, anyway.  Because I don't know when or if I'll be better and up to doing much real art...

These photos dont do their subjects/objects justice, but they're something

Between Ranchos De Taos and Dixon, NM (part of the Taos area)

An "Earthship", on the Taos Mesa (west of downtown Taos)

Pilar, NM (a small town on the Rio Grande, south of Taos but north of Dixon and Espanola

Pilar, NM

Pilar, NM

Pilar, NM

Pilar, NM

The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, on the Taos Mesa west of the town

more pilar

hanging out at a campsite in Pilar

Trampas, New Mexico (a small farming village on the "High Road" between Taos and Santa Fe)


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